Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I've been reading Atheist Universe by David Mills. It is confirming in that the arguments laid out are those that I came up with during my break from religion after high school. It's gotten me all evangelical and feisty about it again. I think I have too often been an apologist. Organized religion is not ok. It's holding the human race back. We need to realize we are alone and that we need to move forward as a human race. Organized religion is divisive and continues to prevent unity.

None of these are new thoughts to me or to the world. How to implement them is the question. Reasonable arguments do not seem to work.

Also, I ran across this hilarious quote:
"I am an atheist and I have a 'Honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker. When someone honks, I give them the finger."

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