Sunday, July 31, 2005

I am getting a migrane. Damnit. I see that vision distortion that is a warning sign. I'll have to skip out on a presentation and take some pain killers. They may or may not make me space out for the rest of the day. I just drank a bunch of water so maybe that will help. I was planning on driving back today, but that may not work.

Friday, July 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
This was an ATM screen in the host hotel for the con. p0wned (Actually all three in the lobby were).

I am at DefCon. Feeling all wierd and disoriented. Not sure how much of it is lack of sleep and how much it is being here at this thing. It would be a lot different if I had some other haXor friends that could have come. I feel a little out of place because I have not really ever dealt with computer security. I have all of these pursuits I would like to follow, but never enough time. I seem to spend all my time doing things, but I feel like I am not getting things done. I need a better memory (not just retention, but organization too). I feel like I lose so much day to day. I want to spend the time on neural networks, just to understand how they work. I want to spend the time to try some known rootkits. Some known buffer overflows. I need more time dammnit!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

More Prius Pics

More Prius Pics
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
Here are some more pics off my Prius, now in better light and not through a window.

More Prius Pics

More Prius Pics
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
Here are some more pics off my Prius, now in better light and not through a window.

More Prius Pics

More Prius Pics
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
Here are some more pics off my Prius, now in better light and not through a window.
Today is a sad day. A wonderful person from my childhood has died in a tragic accident. Scott Powell was a wonderful man, and he epitomized all the good things that Boy Scouts was to me. He told the greatest stories around the bonfire, and he really kept the spirit of camaraderie and adventure alive. You will live on in the fond memories of thousands of boys. Zing Zing Bom Bom.

Boy Scout Tragedy

Saturday, July 23, 2005

This is Hasada

This is Hasada
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
He is a puppy.

My Prius

My Prius
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
This pic was taken from inside Zips and uploaded from my Treo. Yay!
Another from the Treo.
Really I am just testing it.

Friday, July 22, 2005

I am posting this from my Treo. How cool is that?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Should get my Mobi today! :) Anyone who wants the number should email me or message me.
Planning on getting a protectant sheeting put on the front of my car for the Alcan. Yay!
Put a "stealth" button in my Prius which switches it temporarily into all electric mode. Very cool. :) I can cruise around parking lots totally silent.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Someone I was talking to at Zips said considering what other music I like, I should listen to some Postal Service. And wow. I like Postal Service. :) I find that I listen to music for the sound, not for the lyrics. I hardly listen to the lyrics.
You know Google maps? This is Google Moon! How nerdtacular is that? Oh yeah. Zoom ALL the way in anywhere. It's funny.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Just ordered a Treo 650. I will finally have a mobile! :)
I will try to get some pics of my car up ASAP. It is SO damn cool.

Friday, July 15, 2005


I got my Prius and I LOOOOOVE it. That's looo-ve. like moooooo-ve. like a cow. I need sleep. I drove for 12 hours.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Monday, July 11, 2005

Maybe this week (since I'll be in that part of Cali anyway) I'll go to The San Diego Comic-Con.
I am thinking about going to DEF CON 13. It would be AWESOME.
I like this guy's painting style. Especially this little guy: Hum_Drum

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I am thinking about getting some of these... Darwin has a Posse

Monday, July 04, 2005

I have been reading again when I am not working or downloading information from the net into my brain. Just finished "The Gods Themselves" by Azimov, and now I have started into "The Hitchhiker's Guide: Ultimate Collection" which is ALL of 5 parts of the trilogy. Of course I have read them before, but who can help but enjoy the singular wit of the Adams? After this it may be more Azimov, or I might start the "History of Middle Earth" which I have the first 5 from. I really love Tolkein. The world he created is so rich that it doesn't feel like fantasy and I love that. Oh, and recently read "The Turing Option" by Harry
Harrison and Marvin Minsky. Not great SciFi, but really explores self and identity of AI in a way that I have rarely seen. Hmm. I also have some O. S. Card to read. More of the Ender series. I think what I love about good SciFi is that it twists my mind makes me think in ways that I have not before. I love that feeling of twisting my mind around some concept that is completly alien to my experience and human experience in general.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

WHAT THE CRAP!?!? No really. 83,431 digits. From memory. Pi memory record broken

Saturday, July 02, 2005