Wednesday, February 23, 2005

This week has been INSANE! I've been doing school and school work from 10:00am until 2:00am every night.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Had fun being a nerd for so many hours at the Deathnet LAN party... but I would have traded it all for one hour with Rah. I miss her so much. Spring break will be wonderful. :) I need to find a way to watch this movie.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Every have one of those moments when everything just seems right? I did tonight walking home from the Honors House. I stopped and looked up and there was the Aurora. Homework flowed out of me tonight and I was productive. Meetings went well, I felt confident in my knowledge in class. I talked to Rah and I know everything will work out. I miss her so very much, but I know we will do just fine.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Here's t-shirt hell's latest. They are awesomely awful.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Sunday, February 13, 2005

HILARIOUS! and NSFW: Elephants!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Fell asleep in a big puppy-pile of people... then I went home because A snores. And I HATE sleeping in my clothes. And I was hungry. I am still hungry. Grr.
Had a fun night with all the peoples tonight. Cabbage rolls, dumplings and sauerkraut. Yums.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Presentation went well.... SO much frikin work to do over the next week.
Presentation in 10 minutes! Yay! I am ready.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

It's Wednesday already... Time is going so damn fast. Got a 22 out of 26 on my first database assignment. 84.165% is not so good... Grr... That's a B. Acceptable, but not good. 10 out of 10 on Graphics homework... I like that. Should get full points on this week's homework too. And... I have my presentation tomorrow... Not a big deal, but I need to practice.

Monday, February 07, 2005

A and M cut my hair... It's all short now... I look like a monkey. So not entirely bad.
Didn't do squat yesterday... Well, homework and work work. And some DDR. I am now watching Simpsons. I have to finish rewriting a paper to submit to a conference. And at some point my Architecture homework. OOook.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Hey, if anyone reads this, I'd be curious to know. Leave me a comment.
Well, Rah is forcing me to sleep. I miss her so fucking much. I am so in love with her it's ridiculous.

Friday, February 04, 2005

This is just disturbing... Milk does a body good
Gah... I'm all sore and stuff. Like my body is fighting off a flu. Probably why I was sickey yesterday. I thought it had to do with the staph infection, but this feels like a regular flu. Taking the antibiotics, so hopefully I'll get through all this. I slept from about 7pm until 5am... So not horribly long... but two nights worth of my normal sleep schedule. Maybe that's why I got sick... Or my not hardly eating... My appetite has been quite lacking. I need to get M and A to go to Sam's for me so I don't have to go. I REALLY need to eat but I don't want to go out... Maybe I'll order delivery... Unfortunately anything I could order wouldn't be healthy (as in it would be very high in fat). Like Chinese or Pizza.
This is the freakiest thing I have seen in a long time. It's an adult star-nosed mole. Here's the article I got it from. It doesn't look like something one would find on earth.
Seriously, a clock like this would help some people... but those people would probably be able to sleep while it's going off anyway.
I was sick when I woke up yesterday (I almost puked several times, but never actually did). I went to the health center and they gave me some antibiotics to stave off the staph infection in my arm. Yeah, I thought it was just a slow healing scratch, but apparently I am infected with bacterial loveliness. And by that I mean little bugs trying to kill me. I feel a bit better today, but still under the weather. It's been -40 F for about the last week, so that probably hasn't helped. Got my blood drawn for an STD screening when I was at the health center. I'm not worried because I'm asymptomatic, but it's always good to check occasionally. I think I will finish reading news, then go over to the honors house and do homework.
Ok... Printing Sushi? That's just odd... (Yes, you have to sign up for NYT, but it's free.)
YAY!!! My most favorite webcomic, Men in Hats, is updating again!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

This just seems wrong... A phone to call dead people in their coffins.

Speaking of dead people, this would be a horrible way to die: Death by Alchohol Enema
Ok... Ultimate geek fashion:A WiFi Detector Ring!
T-Shirt Hell cam out with this month's new shirts today. They are SO wrong, and yet hilarious.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

blah... doing homework. It is database homework so it is quite boring. I miss Rah so much.