Monday, August 30, 2004

Still don't have a bike...

but I should be able to get one tomorrow. The thrift shops seem to just not have them.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Gone out, came back

Had a night out with the boys. It was lots of fun. :)
Still awake... not sure if I am tired yet.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


So, I am feeling far away from home. It's odd... I am feeling more culture shock here than when I went to Europe. And the native language is English here. :-p
Not sure what I want to do when I am done here. Will be bumming around for the next few months, seeing the coast. It will be very calming. Right now I am soaking up a lot of culture.

Saturday, August 21, 2004


Made it to Melbourne!
After a few short hops, then a 12 hour flight to Hong Kong, then an 8 hour to Melbourne. And the 12 hour being between a couple with a todler and a mum with a 3 year-old. Ugh. I spaced out on my books. Read 2 and 1/2 books during flight times and the time in the airport. Anyway, Kristy's wonderful! :) More later... :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

And so it begins

This will be my journal/log/thing while I am traveling Australia. It is exciting! Yay!