Monday, October 30, 2006

This is a neat video to watch. It's a visualization of US Airline flights, a finalist in a computer visualization competition.(direct video link)
I have recently seen several clips of Keith Olbermann on YouTube and Google Video (now one and the same if you didn't know). I have been generally impressed by his articulation and subject matter, and was pretty set to laud him as a good guy. I looked him up and his show is set up on NBC vs. Bill O'Reilly on Fox. Now I am less sure of his belief in what he says as much as trying to be an opposite for ratings value. Bah. So hard to find good people. Search for him though. Good stuff.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

This managed to remind me of two of my closest friends simultaneously, and THEY just happen to be related. Jet-propelled Kayak Races Through Iceland

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I know I mentioned this web comic before, but the most recent xkcd is beautiful. I will await the day that I can yell the punchline.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This video is amazing. Amazing little machines.

Maybe wildhitsuji-san can give us some insight.

Friday, October 13, 2006

I have always thought it would be great to make a master timeline of events both in my life and throughout history. I found this timeline tool and am thinking about making an easy interface to add events.

I want to include everything from the estimated date of the genesis of protozoa to the creation of the internet to future events like the Singularity, as well as personal past and future planning events.

Anyway... Interesting.