Thursday, June 21, 2007

This is a hilarious and useful re-purposing of the chick tract form factor. Now used for good instead of spreading narrow-minded thinking!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ron Paul

I've watched hours of video and Ron Paul is the first presidential candidate that I think I could get behind and actually campaign for. Normally I am rather ambivalent about politics, but he strikes so many chords with me it's hard to ignore. He speaks intelligently, he has PhD, he is consistent and he is convincing. Even in the few cases I disagree with him, he presents his case well and I have to think hard to form an argument against his position. That engenders a large amount of respect for him on my part.

Here is the first of a series of videos of him speaking:
Interview 1 of 6

He is a big advocate of small government and free markets. I agree with him on that.
Also, to speak on his stance on personal freedom, here's an interview with NORML.

He has my vote so far.