Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I need a better blogging interface to this. Like a Gaim plugin. But I broke the Gaim plugin for blogger anyway... If I ever thought it was a high priority or I had enough time to get bored I would recompile the blogger plugin and adapt the code to work for IAM. But I don't see that happening until at LEAST summer. Speaking of summer, I am VERY much looking forward to it for several reasons. Here is the list, in order of importance from most to least: I GET TO BE WITH RAH!, I'll be done with school for a bit, I'll have the NASA project out of my hair, I will be away from Alaska, I'll have my Master's. There are actually many more, but those ones kind of make me forget the others because they are less important. In other news, I am going to be a groomsman for one of my friends. I've know him for an ungodly length of time. He is back among my childhood memories. I've been trying to remember how long it has been. I think it it since I was about 8... maybe 10. Well, anyway, most of my life. Being 23 now, over 12 years at least. After that, drivin' on down to see my lovely lovely Rah Rah Kitty.

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