Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Today I was in a very good mood. Sarah and I had a great conversation on the phone last night and I was still high on that today. Then I went and talked to Dr. Roth (the C.S. department head) and got it all set up to graduate this semester with my Master's Degree in Computer Science. Talked to Sarah about the future. It made me very happy. :) Then I made very good dinner with the girls. Then I was going to call Rah back and Kelsey was crying on the stairs. I went down and talked to her, and apparently she had broken up with her boyfriend (of almost two years). She was pretty broken up and I felt so bad. I talked to her about it and she said that he is totally in love with her but she isn't sure. She is afraid of being alone and about hurting him, but she was not happy in the relationship. I talked for a while and about my ex and how I never thought I'd fall in love again. And then how I met Rah and how I really feel like I have found someone I could be with for the rest of my life. Kelsey admitted that she wants something like that and it isn't worth it to stay with what she is doing now just because it's better than nothing. Soooo... She felt much better about breaking up with him after that. But unfortunately it was too late to talk to Rah. I feel really bad now because I missed Rah. I REALLY wanted to talk to her tonight. God I miss her so much. It's really nice to have Megan and Amy here because they are so accepting and happy and silly and fun. They are always hugging on each other and it makes me miss Rah. I get all daydreamy and thinking of Rah whenever I see them hugging.

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