Monday, October 31, 2005

Wow. Just wow. Honor the Source Belt Buckle
Good old home-grown humor. Alaska Barbies

Dead Guy Ale

Dead Guy Ale
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
BAM! Not great... A bit bitter for me. But most ales are. Still, hilarious.
I totally need this shower head in the house.
That's all for today kiddies.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

This makes me happy: Using Copyrights To Fight Intelligent Design
Religious peoples: Okay, Science class is about SCIENCE. Intelligent design is NOT science. It is theology. Look it up in a dictionary. Science excludes mention of supernatural events because the definition of science requires experimental investigation.
If you want intelligent design in schools, petition for a SEPARATE class on theology. I have NO problem with that. Heck, I even think it's a good idea. Theology is an interesting and worthwhile subject. More people have killed and been killed for theological ideals than for any other reason and I think that reason alone gives it merit for study. We have to learn from history.
This looks like fun in some ways: For sale: Britain's underground city but not as good for actually living.
This is just cool: a device that can detect weapon fire, locate the source and identify it in 6 milliseconds. This could go several ways, but I hope it makes the use of force less desirable. Mutually assured destruction never seemed good during the cold war though.
And A translator that doesn't even need you to speak. Other than just that neat part, it is a leap forward in how the speech is processed, using some newer AI techniques.
To all those that ever played "Animal Crossing": this is funny.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A great read about bionic implants from an actual user. My Bionic Quest for Bolero. One of my favorite parts are
"So in mid-2002, nine months after activation, I upgraded to a program called Hi-Res, which gave me 16 channels - double the resolution! An audiologist plugged my processor into her laptop and uploaded the new code. I suddenly had a better ear, without surgery. In theory, I would now be able to distinguish among tones five notes apart instead of 11."
"My hearing is no longer limited by the physical circumstances of my body. While my friends' ears will inevitably decline with age, mine will only get better."

Soon my brethren of the Church of Body Mod. Soon our capabilities will only depend on how quickly we can adjust. Will you join us? Will you fall to the side? We will no longer be human. Will you still love us? Will you still accept us? Do you accept us now?

And the Catholic Saint of Data Integrity?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I pray to teh G0dz of T3chn0l0gy, bring us soon to the divine day of our Rapturous Technological Singularity! You will bless us with teh Diamond Age when our computing becomes Ubiquitous and we will rejoice in that we are God.

On the other hand, this is so entirely depressing. Turning kids into fierce consumers: "One study found that 69% of all three-year-olds could identify the McDonald's golden arches - while half of all four-year-olds did not know their own name."

I know some peoples who need this shirt.
This may interest Megan-san: Iyagemono
Beautifully simple: Hot ideas for interfaces in the kitchen
Today's EEK and BWA-HA-HA!

And SORRY to anyone reading this from an RSS. I totally fux0r3d it today.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Refining what I said in an IM conversation with Megan-san:

Monkey's list of goals for our Earthship plan:

1. A place to OWN (at least partially) so I can experiment in the place I live like when I was growing up and so I can personalize it rather than living in a stale and static white box.

2. Growing at least some of my own food, and as much as possible.

3. Living with people I know and love instead of alone in my own little death-box room.

4. Experimenting with and USING alternative and renewable power, getting off the grid as much as possible.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The new Xeons are teh sux0r. IDLE power consumption "nearly 400W"? WTF?!?! And they don't even perform that great. No link cause the review site was hacked and it's full of goatse.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Some BEAUTIFUL art: Marion Peck
a pirate walks into a bar, and for some reason he has a steering wheel down his pants. "why ya got a steering wheel down your pants eh?" the bartender says. The pirate says "Arrr!!! It's driving me nuts!"
digital pirate

seal kitty lemur babies
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
seal kitty lemur babies! OMFG! they are teh cutez!
Here's some fantastic functional modern art. Kees van der Westen ~ Espressonistic Works B.V
It never fails. Humans are odd creatures. Crocheted infant Yoda ears
WHY WON'T HE GO AWAY?!?! Plushie Crazy Frog

Thursday, October 20, 2005

This game: Gravity is quite entertaining.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I was reading this this article about sleep and was thinking that if memory becomes externalized or even artificial, this process could be dealt with in a way that would not need a sleep cycle to consolidate the day's memories (the most common theory). This seems like a great boon to me. I certainly wish I never had to sleep.
A couple Japanese things for Megan-san: USB Mamory and some good old Engrish

And I would have had a even bigger head start on programming with this: board game based on computer programming

And who could not like a folding kayak.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
My latest "My Prius r0x0rz" report.
This makes me happy. I am not sure if I support it, but it makes me happy. The Girls of Geekdom - They're Smart! They're Sexy! They're Geeks!
I have been feeling lackadaisical towards school. Raise your hand if you had to look it up. A gold star for you if you did not have to look it up.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Thursday, October 13, 2005


This is awesome and is a wonderfully articulated way of saying how I feel about "Serenity": Orson Scott Card loves Serenity

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I just watched the pilot of "My Name is Earl" and it is frickin' awesome. Hilarious. Good times.
As long as De Beers doesn't assassinate him, Linares will provide an amazing jump in technology. I've been on this for a while, but I haven't heard much from others about this. This is really amazing and potentially HUGE. Is De Beers keeping it quiet?
Manufactured diamonds

I mean diamond is amazing... It's the hardest material, it won't expand in heat, won't wear, is chemically inert, has incredibly high thermal conductivity and is optically transparent. Oh, AND it can be made semi-conductive, making it the PERFECT material for constructing integrated circuits. This would be a leap forward in chip design allowing tiny chips with no thermal dissipation issues. Seriously tiny and powerful beyond anything currently out there.
This is an awesome game.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ummm.... Carbonated dairy products and fruit?
This looks awesome. artificial tornado generator
OMG! Duct Tape Band Aid
Makes me wish I could read Japanese. Some amazing gadgets. Engadget Japanese at CEATEC JAPAN 2005
My god I love this comic. VG Cats
This is a significant shift in the stance of the Catholic church. This will cause an even greater rift with the fundamental Christians. I see this as a wonderful and intelligent move by the Catholic church. Maybe we really can all learn to get along.

Catholic Church no longer swears by [the infallible] truth of the Bible
Biodiesels and hybrids are great. If only VW would make a hybrid with one of their high-efficiency diesels... It would get 60-80 mpg by my estimations. Maybe more. Then run biodiesel in it. Awesome.
But even all of this is just a temporary solution... It's partially based on non-renewable resources and still pollutes.
Solar, wind and hydro power charging hydrogen fuel-cells is the real eventual solution.

Monday, October 03, 2005