Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Monday, March 28, 2005

2005-03-28_TreeRat 001
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
I saw this TreeRat climbing right across the side of Chapman. It just struck me as odd, so I clicked it.

2005-03-28_TreeRat 001
Originally uploaded by ThatMonkey.
I saw this TreeRat climbing right across the side of Chapman. It just struck me as odd, so I clicked it.
Once in a while I run across something that makes my eyes go all wiggy.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

It's a Walking Sperm Robot!
Well, I am on my way back to Fairbanks. Missing my Rah already. She's doing great with her job and seems to be doing quite well. I am impressed with how hard a worker she is. I am tired. My sleeping schedule is really screwed.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I am so hungry. Guess that's what I get for not eating this morning. I decided to sleep the extra half hour and get a total of 6 and a half hours.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm in Architecture class. It's nice to know what is going on all the time. I don't need to do all kinds of reading to keep up. I just have to go to class. Only 4 days left until I get to see my girl again. This break is going to be wonderful. Just being away from school for a bit will be nice, but also taking a trip out of Alaska and seeing a new place AND I get to be with my girl! How awesome is that. I might just explode. GAH! I just have to make it through this hell week. After I get back, only a month or so more and I am OUTTA here and with my Rah.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I made creme brulees last night. They were delicious. Then I stayed up until 7am or so doing homework. I have a crapload still to do before Monday. Which is tomorrow. Blah. I am working on a draft of my thesis final written report. It will be huge. Still generally kicking ass at school, but I have to stay on it all the time. I am guessing by the time Spring rolls around I will be worn the fuck out. I will definitly want a little break.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

I've been very irritable and bitchy today. I think being away from Rah has really started to get to me. And the massive amounts of caffiene that I've been consuming to keep me awake and doing things. I am SO FUCKING looking forward to Spring Break. FUCK! Gah. I VERY much need to be with Rah. And away from school.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I am staying up all night working.
And watching "Super Size Me".
I am very frightened.
Doing well on work though.
Feeling productive.
If I keep this up I'll be ahead of the game when Spring Break comes.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Well, I got a B on my database exam. Crap.
I need an A to keep my GPA above 3.5.
Grad schools like high GPAs.
Meh. Generally kicking school's ass.
Working all the time is the only thing that has managed to distract me from being away from Rah. When I take a break from school I just think about how I wish I could curl up with her. Talking on the phone and net both helps and makes it worse. So close, yet so far away...
So many times when we are on webcam I have the sudden urge to reach out and hug her. Then I realize I can't and it is such a dissapointment. I miss her so much.